Criminal Justice System Explained In the NCTCC Mobile App

The Northern California Mobile Application includes six sections:

  • Start Here

    The Start Here section introduces the user to the app. 

  • Safety

    The Safety section includes safety plan tools, checklists, and content for a range of vulnerable populations.

  • Self Care

    The Self Care section includes information on historical trauma and self-care methods while incorporating a cultural lens, video links, and text.

  • Resources

    The resources section is a categorized list of Tribal, federal, and state resources. 

  • My Rights

    The My Rights section walks a victim of crime through their rights and Victim Compensation resources. 

  • Criminal Justice System Explained

    The Criminal Justice System Explained section includes the Jurisdictional Tool and breaks down the justice system process from reporting a crime through post-sentencing.

This blog highlights the Criminal Justice System Explained section of the NCTCC Mobile App. This section covers the full range of the criminal justice system process from the decision to report a crime through post-sentencing. The App describes what to expect for each step of the criminal justice process. It also includes content on Victims' Rights, Victim Compensation information, and a Jurisdiction Tool. 

The Jurisdiction Tool can be useful to victims of crime, victim service providers, Tribes, legal professionals, law enforcement in the State of California, or anyone who needs to navigate jurisdiction in the State of California. The tool helps to guide the user to report a crime to the most compatible jurisdiction based on the following questions:

  1. What Happened To You? (Describe the Crime)

  2. Describe Your Indian Status (Status Of the Victim(s) Of the Crime

  3. Describe the Indian Status Of the Person That Harmed You (“Race Of the Offender”/ Indian Status of the Offender)

  4. Where Do You Live? (Domicile Of the Parties To the Crime)

  5. Where Did the Crime Occur?

After answering each question, the user will receive a response to which jurisdiction to report a crime. The responses include:

  • Tribal Jurisdiction

  • State Jurisdiction

  • Federal Jurisdiction

  • Jurisdiction can not be determined

To visit the Criminal Justice System Explained Section of the NCTCC App, download the NCTCC Victim Service Mobile Application at or search for “nctcc” in the Google Play or Apple Store.


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