Computer & Digital Intrusion
Does someone access your personal or work computer without your permission? This is a violation of digital privacy and for survivors of stalking and intimate partner violence it can threaten their safety on financial, emotional, and physical levels.
How VPN Services Can Help
VPN is an acronym for “virtual private network.” VPN is software that will encrypt your internet use and change your IP address. Though VPN Services cannot help prevent an intruder from directly accessing your computer or digital device it will improve online security and can protect your device from hackers.
How to Tell if Someone has Direct Access to Your Digital Privacy
There are two ways an intruder can violate digital privacy: by accessing your physical device or through remote access.
How to Tell if Someone has Accessed your Computer
Check your browsing history
Check your recent files in your file manager
If an intruder may be savvy enough to cover their tracks, check the “recycle bin” for changes
If you notice your cursor moving independently from your control, this may indicate a remote user
How to Keep Your Device More Secure
Avoid using shared computers
Change your logins and passwords
Use two-factor authentication such as Duo Mobile
Always log out or lock your screen before leaving your computer
Enable full-disk encryption to your hard drive
Use antivirus software
Use Lockscreen Pro or another lock screen app with a snapshot function
Digital Privacy Intrusion In the Case of Intimate Partner Violence or Stalking
Clear your browser history of searches that involve victim services
Change your passwords frequently. If you need help with keeping track of your passwords consider using a password manager such as RoboForm Everywhere.
Back up your computer content onto OneDrive or a Cloud service
Consider two-factor authentication to open your device. Facial recognition and a unique pin are two such methods
For stalker documentation, take a screenshot of the evidence and add it to your stalker behavior log
Quick Tips To Lock Your Computer Quickly
On Windows select Windows key + L
On Mac select Control + Command + Q
Cyber Intrusion And The Law
Cyber intrusion is more than just snooping. It is unethical and can have civil or criminal consequences. Laws are constantly evolving to protect personal electronic information.
Under federal law victims of digital intrusion may be protected by The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 U.S.C. 1030.
To visit the Safety Section of the NCTCC App and get more information on Mobile Device Safety, download the NCTCC Victim Service Mobile Application at or search for “nctcc” in the Google Play or Apple Store.